Optimum Hyper Compound 18 oz

Optimum Polymer Technologies


An aggressive compound designed to remove deepscratches in seconds! Optimum Hyper Compound is the first andonly spray compound (patent pending) in the marketplace. It is designed toremove 1,500 grit and finer scratches in one or two passes while creating agreat finish in seconds.

Optimum Hyper Compound was designed forprofessional detailers and auto body shops to cut through wet sanding marks anddeep scratches in one or two passes. Optimum Hyper Compound offersall the advantages of Optimum line of polishes with long working time and zerodusting. 

The spray on application provides ease of use and reduces theamount of product needed to a fraction of the traditional products. 2-3 spraysis enough to cover the entire pad making the whole pad do the cutting andeliminating dry buffing. 

The minor swirls left after using OptimumHyper Compound can easily be removed with the Optimum HyperPolish. Optimum Hyper Compound has a long working time to allowcomplete paint correction with one application. The residue is easily wiped offwith a dry or damp microfiber towel. Optimum Hyper Compound containsno silicone oils or wax, so it is completely body shop safe. 

Optimum Hyper Compound can be used atany speed on your polisher and with a wool or foam pad. When using a woolbuffing pad, the compound will remove 1000 sand scratches and lighter at1000-1400 RPM. Faster buffing speed is not needed with this product. When usinga medium or heavy cut foam pad, the compound will remove 1500 sand scratchesand lighter at 1000-1400 RPM. The compound works more or less aggressivelydepending on the pad you choose. Follow up with Optimum HyperPolish to refine the paint surface before applying Optimum Car Wax.All Optimum products meet VOC regulations. 


To remove 1,500 grit or finer sanding marksspray Optimum Hyper Compound on the Optimum100% Synthetic 4 Ply Twisted Wool Pad using a rotary buffer at 1200-1400RPM. To remove lighter scratches and swirl marks, spray Optimum Hyper Compound onan orange foam pad using a rotary buffer at speeds of 1,200 - 1,400 rpm or anorbital polisher at the speed 5. 

1. Shake Well.

2. Use 2-3 sprays initially to prime the pad.After the initial priming, use one to two sprays per panel. There is no need toapply additional product since Optimum Hyper Compound has a long workingtime and will continue on working to remove the scratches. 

3. Use light to medium pressure on the bufferuntil desired results are achieved. 

4. Wipe off residue with a dampened microfibertowel.